Technical Specifications “Mountain High Maps gives you coverage of the globe in the greatest detail you’ve ever seen…” – Graphics World Mountain High Maps® comes as a four-disc CD-ROM set for Macintosh® and a four-disc set for PC/Unix (ISO9660) computers. The relief maps can be used with any application which supports the TIFF or JPEG formats. Outline maps (with layers for coastlines, borders, rivers, towns, graticules, scales, etc.) are supplied in Adobe Illustrator EPS and Macromedia Freehand (versions 3.1 and 7.0) formats. The album pack includes four CD-ROMs, user guide, warranty/registration card, and license agreement. The maps divide into two groups: l 78 projected maps comprising: Africa x8 maps; The Americas x16; Asia x13; Australasia x4; Europe x23; Oceans x3, World x3, Polar x8. l 39 Globes: Equatorial x8 views; Polar x13; Ocean x5; Strategic x13. l Each relief map comes in three 24-bit pre-coloured versions (one political, two geo-zonal), and two 8-bit greyscale versions with resolutions of 300ppi (TIFF and JPEG formats) and 72ppi (JPEG). 72 of the maps are supplied with both land and ocean floor relief, and all maps with land relief only (water areas shown as white). A comprehensive set of masks (ocean/land, coastlines, borders, rivers, graticules, vignettes, etc.) and Photoshop paths are provided for each of the 78 maps. l All globes are provided in greyscale and 15 in 24-bit colour at high and low resolutions (TIFF and JPEG formats). l File Sizes: The high resolution maps range from 3Mb (greyscale) to 51Mb (colour). l Projection systems include Gall, Mercator, Lambert’s equal-area, conformal conic, and simple conic. l QuickTime files: 38 animated rotating globes are supplied in QuickTime and AVI formats. The Strata Vision3d files used to create the animations are also provided (Mac only). l Additional features: View Catalog which provides a technical reference database; User Guide which demonstrates the use of the maps with the most popular applications. l Licensing: Reproduction rights allow virtually unlimited commercial use.